Thursday, February 15, 2007

Virgin Post

Ok, don misunderstand, it literally means my first time experience in blogging. Well, not really the 1st time, I do hav one in friendster, but, who's gonna read it? It's been stagnant over there n u can even smell it from here. AU!!!! THAT HORRIBLE! TERRIBLE! VEGETABLE SMELL MADE ME PUKE!!!
The main purpose of blogging is to "S.H.A.R.E.", rite? N to receive feedbacks from real human out there reading my blog. Yes, I'm rite, of coz. Anyways, the blog was given a name "I donno" coz I really donno wat should I put for the title for the time being. However, I'll think of something before I really "donno". Thank you for visiting my blog and I'll try my very best in doing the very worst part of mine - entertaining people. :P

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